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Public prayers

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Sir good morning iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji Islands. Please request for a prayer for me, my son Akshat and daughter Akiriti. Request prayers to breaking soul ties/ancestral spirits. I did my prayers and i had a dream in the morning related to my home, and birth place. In the dream, i was at my own birth home with my sisters and brothers. Their I saw my elder brothers physical body but it was without head, so I asked my sister where has his head gone, and my brother my was moving around home without a head then my sister told that someone has chopped it. Then appeared my deceased mum PUSPHA WATI with a knife attacking me and I locked the room from inside. Before I locked myself inside my room, my mum said yeh, there has to be sacrifice to be made to gods. Before we used to pray to hindu gods but now iam a born again Christian. We are a family of 7, 3 sisters and 3 bothers. Iam the 7th in my family and youngest. My another elder sister is born again Christian. the remaining are still praying to same hindu gods where we used to pray. My deceased fathers name was SHYAM SUNDAR and his fathers name was RAM AUTHAR. During our young days. At least once in year every year, he became mentally ill. He once committed suicide. Then my elder sister who was very rich committed suicide by burning herself. Her daughter. after her divorce committed suicide. Our family is one that had most premature deaths and most divorces amongst brothers and sisters including me. Years before when we were young , we heard our generation used to sacrifice certain things like alcohol and pig meat, to same hindu gods which we prayed. Which generation was directly involved, that I don’t know. These demons that wanted to kill me but I escaped. are part of my ancestors, and these demonic attacks I go through are part of all the above making. Even I sense, that remaining sisters and brothers who are still praying to the same hindu gods and their children including my children are not safe for future generation because we were born from the above generation. That’s why these demons who attack me don’t want to hear lord jesus name and they swear at his name , I sense that these demonic attacks are from my ancestors, and may have fallen short of glory, please pray for me to cancel these ancestral spirits against me because iam a born again baptised Christian who has accepted Jesus as our lord and saviour and for protection for my children specially Akshat Eleen Anubhav Chand and daughter Akiriti Ashyeen Ahana Chand since iam divorced my children stay with their mum, and my divorced wife also prays to Hindu gods, please request if it can be looked breaking my soul ties from my father Shyam sunder house and mother Pushpa wait house, I thing this evil spirits are from Hindu idols where some form blood sacrifice has been done through animals that we are not doing at moment, these can be generational spirits/ancestral spiritsand since they stay with their mum, they also follow their mums ways, so protection for them, thank you.


Please join us in praying for a little girl in awheel chair at Brassall State School who heard about Jesus having the power to heal during her Christian RI lesson today. She said to the instructor (from Catalyst) “I am paralyzed in both legs and in four days I will be going to hospital for surgery on my legs.” The instructor said "ok class we are going to pray for ? and for her surgery and that through the surgery Jesus will heal her legs." So both classes prayed for A and the students were encouraged to keep praying for her every night! We wanted to share this story with you so that you can pray to for this girl and her family and all the school children so Jesus will be glorified! Blessings and Shalom!


My step son in Sydney has the worst type of cancer on his tongue. He has already lost half along with 8 teeth so he could have Radiation, but it has returned and the Drs. are deciding what to do. Please pray for BIlly and that he will come to know Christ. Thank you.


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You


PRAY THE TRINITY'S HANDS ON my cure, healing, recovery, stamina, strength, stress & trauma-free instances; RE: all aches, ailments, illnesses, pain, pressure, puffiness, sickness;