
If you’re new to Catalyst, please don’t feel any pressure to give.  

Just come and experience Catalyst Church.

If you call Catalyst Church your church home, then we want you to experience all that God has for you. We believe giving financially to God and His church is a key aspect of our relationship with God. The Bible also contains promises of God's provision when we give. This is not always financial 'provision' but we do believe God sees and blesses our heart to worship Him with all we have.

I have some questions about giving


Account Name Catalyst Church Inc. (General A/C) 

BSB 633 000 ACC 132187154    


Account Name Catalyst Church Inc.

BSB 633 000 ACC 134471697

Please note this is our church Missions account, so it includes giving to things such as church plants and ministry outreach. This is not tax-deductible giving. For tax-deductible mission giving (for things such as Heart for Ipswich, hamper ministry etc) please visit:

You can also give online via credit or debit card by clicking the button below.
Consider recurring giving when setting this up.

If you would like to specifically give to our Fernvale location please select it below.


There are many ways you can financially contribute to Catalyst besides once off or regular cash donations.

  • Did you know that you can donate goods or property?
  • Let your generosity live on by including Catalyst Church in your will.
  • Make Catalyst Church a beneficiary of your trust.
  • Donate tax-deductible gifts from your business to some of our mission projects. Please contact for more details.

There are many tax advantages with these options which can enable increased giving capacity.
The process is easier than most think, and we can offer support and assistance as well. For more information please contact us.


Legacy giving: Would you consider leaving a gift in your Will - to make a difference beyond your lifetime?  Next time you update your Will, consider leaving a gift to "Catalyst Church Inc.".  Every gift, big or small, helps us continue to reach our community for God. Please feel free to contact our church office for further information.


Catalyst Church values financial integrity. Our financial affairs are audited each year by an independent qualified auditor, and we report annually as a registered charity to the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission) and Qld Government Office of Fair Trading.

Giving via a Discretionary Trust

Please note that Catalyst Church can claim back franking credits from the Australian Taxation Office where you give via your Discretionary Trust and where the distribution includes a component of franked income.

Please provide your Trust Distribution Statement via .