Catalyst Church has three, simple yet profound core values, which envelope our heartbeat.
1. Doing Justly
We always strive to do what is right in God’s eyes and not live by worldly standards. It doesn’t mean we are perfect and don’t make mistakes. God is righteous and our commitment to be like Him is reflected in our pursuit of holiness and truth. Embedded in this pursuit of justice is the mandate to champion the cause of those who are oppressed, exploited, vulnerable and disadvantaged.
God calls us to “do justice”, to take action, to intervene when we see injustice and to be advocates for those mistreated or neglected. When people are suffering, marginalised or violated, we will endeavour to alleviate the hardship and comfort the hurting.
2. Loving Mercy
This means we are compelled to extend grace to people in an irresistible way and without limits. Showing mercy and embracing those who are broken and disadvantaged because of difficult or unfair life circumstances is a cause we relish taking on. We believe it reflects the heart of Jesus, who demonstrated so compassionately that we are to love the unlovely, care for the broken hearted, minister to the wounded and treat the unpopular and dysfunctional as we would desire to be treated ourselves. So, we don’t expect our church family to be made up of beautiful people who have it all together. What underpins our compassion is the belief that we are in no way better than any other human being regardless of ethnicity, social status or background.
3. Walking Humbly
This means we recognize that without the empowering of the Holy Spirit and God’s presence in our lives we cannot impart any lasting measure of radical love. Humility underscores our dependence on God for the right mind-set, power, wisdom, and resources to make a significant difference in touching people’s lives. We desire to be a catalyst for positive enduring change by living lives of faith and sharing the conversion we have encountered, but we can only do that effectively as the life of Jesus manifests in us and influences others. Walking humbly recognizes that we are on a servant journey together. We all have faults, we all struggle with issues in our lives, no one has “arrived” and that puts us all on a level playing field. We therefore share life with those in the church and those outside the church, knowing each has equal value in the eyes of God.