Catalyst Church Fernvale is a Christ-centred Church committed to caring for each other and our community. Join us 4pm Sundays as we share God's word, join in worship together and enjoy connection over good food.
Fernvale Community Hall - Banks Creek Road in the PCYC Carpark
Keep up to date by following our Facebook page.
Our children's program runs during the service.
Pictured below is our Catalyst Fernvale Elders
(from left to right: Amy Robson, Todd Robson, Tricia Brown, Duncan Brown, Belinda Saxon, Luke Saxon, Katie Dux, Nathan Dux)
The team
Catalyst Fernvale are a church that are passionate about the community. They are excited to see the church actively involved in blessing and reaching out to the community around them. From the worship leaders, to the kids workers, to the audio team, this passion for community and outreach is one that is evident in the lives of all those on the core team.
Support Catalyst Fernvale
You can give directly to Catalyst Fernvale by going to the 'Give' tab on this website. Then under the 'Give to' drop-down, select Catalyst Fernvale location. For more information about where your giving goes, please contact the church office.