Being born again begins the Christian’s journey through life with Jesus (John 3:3). Our natural life begins when we are born into this world from our mother’s womb, and our spiritual life begins when our spirit is born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:6). There is nothing more exciting or rewarding than a walk-through life with Jesus.
We believe there is no more important questions for the Christian than, “What is required for my salvation?”. The Pastors, Elders and Elders Emeritus of Catalyst Church have summarised the answer to this vital question for the sake of clarity.
1. At Catalyst we accept the Bible teaches that salvation is the undeserved favour of God, a free gift given to all who put their faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8). God has taken the initiative to reconcile us to Him, and our part is to respond. Our response is in three parts:
- We believe in our heart in faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who saved us from the penalty of sin by dying on the cross and rising again for us.
- We verbally confess this faith and trust in God.
- We repent, which means we turn from our sins and turn to living God’s way.
When we make these responses, we are saved, we are born again. There is nothing more for us to do.
2. At Catalyst we accept the Bible teaches the moment we believe and are saved, the Holy Spirit take up residence in our life (Romans 8:16). The indwelling Holy Spirit’s presence in our life is God’s guarantee that we are born again, belong to God, and will spend eternity with him (Ephesians 1:13-14). The indwelling Holy Spirit sensitises us to sin and its effects in our lives, so that we come to habitually turn from sin and turn to God. The indwelling Holy Spirit increases our faith in Jesus which helps make us obedient to Jesus (Romans 1:5). The indwelling Holy Spirit changes us little by little to become more like Jesus, until we reach a maturity which is evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18) (Galatians 5:18).
3. At Catalyst we accept the Bible teaches that faith filled obedience (Romans 1:5) leads us to want to publicly proclaim Jesus in water baptism as Jesus commanded. (Matthew 28:19) Water baptism is often called believer’s baptism because of our desire to be identified with Jesus. It comes because we are already saved and born again, and want to heed his command.
4.At Catalyst we accept the Bible teaches the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience distinct from, and subsequent to salvation (Acts 8:4-16). It is a different experience from receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation when we are born again. The indwelling Holy Spirit brings about the assurance of our salvation (Romans 8:16). The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is about empowering us for service (Acts 1:8). The most common evidence is speaking in tongues accompanied by the various gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion we invite you to embrace these wonderful Bible truths and live the life of freedom that comes with living in the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17).