Catalyst Church Ipswich is a Pentecostal community of people representing all ages, committed to advancing the Kingdom of God by acting justly, loving mercy and living humbly, as we reach Ipswich with the good news about Jesus. His life, death and resurrection. We call it a "Revolution of Love".
The Oxford dictionary describes a “catalyst” as an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action; or a person or thing that precipitates an event or change; or something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces.
A human catalyst is an individual or group who can accelerate the pace of change, opens new possibilities and foster excellence. A catalyst is the ideal image to describe the paradigm of the Church. The life of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom provokes change and calls people to a radical lifestyle, a way of life that is counter cultural to the world around us. We call it a revolution of love.
The nucleus of Church mission is the mandate to advance the Kingdom of God. The Church is a vital part of God’s expression of Heaven invading Earth, provoking a unique message of eternal power, unconditional love, adventurous faith and living hope. Many people will ask what Catalyst means, which is exactly the point. The unusual name allows us to explain the dynamic of God’s Kingdom, the catalytic message of Christ and the transforming power of the Gospel.
It is challenging trying to convey the vision of a Church in one defining statement. Our motto “A Revolution of Love” encapsulates that we are compelled to an intense measure of love toward God and people. Micah 6:8 is the scripture verse which reinforces a simple yet uncompromising attitude towards love. “The Lord has shown you what is right and what He requires of you; to do justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with God”. Embodied in this verse are significant keys to a lifestyle that is pleasing to God and will positively impact people in our community.
We believe that God transforms lives, and that He enables us to make a difference in our community. We aim to always be relevant and exciting in the way we connect with those around us. We aim to do things in an excellent way that honours God and inspires people, while remaining true to the Bible. We are innovators, creative and flexible in the way we express the message of the gospel. We are a church for all generations but are intentional about embracing and empowering the emerging generations.
We believe in being real, honest and down to earth in our relationships with God and each other. We genuinely care for one another, encouraging each other to grow and be more like Jesus Christ. We believe each individual is uniquely gifted to serve in their world. We are stronger together than apart, committed to authentic relationships with God and each other.